A downloadable game for Windows


Team Name: A Dev

College Name: West Suffolk College

You are bacteria that has to defend against viruses that has been designed to kill you. In a turn based bullet hell game. There is no escape all you can do is survive as long as possible.

Each action uses an action point, except for waiting which doesn't use any action. every time you get hit you lose some action points. To use your special attack you have to get a Power Up. Your special attack requires more action points to use it.

WASD to move
Spacebar to attack
R to wait a turn
F to use Special Attack

How it links to sustainability is, you have to keep track of your action points and sustain them to a point where you can survive enough so that you can move, attack and be able to take some hits. if you cannot sustain your action points you will lose and wont be able to move or attack.

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Bio-Synth.zip 589 MB

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